Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 感恩

新的一年又來臨。在祝賀 Facebook 的朋友們的過程後,收到一個死亡訊息。
在 Facebook 偶爾說說"嗨!"的一位舊同學,問我是否知道以前同班的 Jo 已在幾個月前過世了?


得到的是快樂、blessed、prosper、toast、celebration 等的回覆。




Spent the last 2 hours of the old year sending New Year greetings to friends in Facebook.
Of all the "same to you", "happy new year to you too", "here's a toast", "let's celebrate", "blessed new year" replies, "has any1 told you that Jo passed away a few months back?" was the only reply that caught hold of my breath. Jo was my classmate back in school days.

There I was, drinking in all the happiness & prosperity of the new year.
Not once have I thought about the fragility of life.

Time to sober up and be thankful for the every moment of of life.

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