Monday, October 12, 2009

When a Watch is Not a Watch

This watch was a gift bought from the 'pasar malam' type of stall. I like the design very much and I thank the person who gave this to me.

However, it stopped moving after a day's wear. The watch repairman said that it'll cost me S$65 to repair it. He advised me not to bother as this watch is worth only S$10 from the street stalls.

Yes, I know it's a waste of money to repair it.

But it's a waste of money to throw it away.

Plus, I like the watch.

But it does not move anymore.

I decide to wear it NOT like a watch but like a bracelet instead.

This is challenging because I keep looking at the watch to check the time.

11:25 succeeds in giving me a fright; making me think that I am late for my appointment.

11:25 succeeds in making me relax; allowing me to think that I have a lot of time left before my next appointment.

11:35 succeeds in making me laugh; when I remember that the watch is broken and I can be that forgetful.

How long will it take me to retrain myself to treat a watch NOT like a watch?

But should I really retrain myself? After all, forgetfully glancing at the watch emotes different feelings within me.

Do I want to take that away?

Photo by Beng Tian using
Nokia 5610


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