Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bamboo Curtain Studio Residency Journal WEEK 4

Week 4 | 第四周:

Final Editing: Sharing Session

1. 補足整個記錄成品的完整性和主題性。
2. 完成後製作業。
3. 成果放映;邀請竹圍的居民們一起觀看;讓“竹圍小戲偶”獻身現場;討論如何尋覓屬於社區的人文身份;分享四週來對竹圍人文精神的感受。
1. To make the final editing of the video.
2. To wrap up the video making.
3. To invite residents of Bamboo Curtain Studio and those in the neighbourhood for a viewing of the video and to carry out a dialogue with viewers after the showcase.


2 December 2012 | Sunday

It's still raining non-stop today...

 The rainy day has painted a gloomy picture in our shoot today. 
So we've put in colours of our own.

With continual rain and missing interviewee, we are stuck at the dorm with back-logged editing and shooting. Hmph....


3 December 2012 | Monday

 Interview with Ah Bin, a resident of Zhuwei who specializes in organic farming.


Before the interview, we were shown an inconspicuous tombstone of a Qing Dynasty official which not many residents in Zhuwei are aware of.
在採訪之前,阿賓哥告知我們竹圍的一個沒甚麼人知道的古蹟之一 - 清朝小官的古老墳墓。


7 December 2012 | Friday

The sun has FINALLY shown itself! Did a video re-shoot of Guan Yin Mountain so as to do give some warmth to the video footages. 80% of the footage is greyish and gloomy as they were shot during rainy and overcast days.
An overcast 1 December 2012.

 A sunny 7 December 2012.


5 December 2012 | Wednesday

Interview with students from Zhuwei Elementary School, New Taipei City.

 From left: 涂定珉, 吳祖婷 and 龔羽芊

Without the support and assistance from 
Principal Howard Hu (left) and teacher Chen Jian Xing (right),
this interview will not be possible. Thank you.

With this last interview, it is time for final editing and rendering.....


8 December 2012 | Saturday

"In Search of Identity" screening at Bamboo Curtain Studio
《身分尋旅》影片分享交流會, 竹圍工作室


9 December 2012 | Sunday

The sharing of our residency programme has come to an end.

We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to:

阿賓哥 | Ah Bin

巧爸陳煉忠 | Chen Lian Zhong

李曉雯 | Catherine Li

貓兒綾綾 | Ling Ling

新臺北市竹圍國小 | Zhuwei Elementary School , New Taipei City
胡峻豪校長 | Howard Hu (principal)
陳建興老師 | Chen Jian Xing (teacher)

涂定珉 | Tu Ding Min
吳祖婷 | Wu Zu Ting
龔羽芊 | Gong Yu Qian

雅加達早餐店 | Ya Jia Da Cafe

竹圍居民 | Residents of Zhuwei

黃澤暉 | sonicbrat

新加坡戲劇盒 | Drama Box (Singapore)
藝術總監郭慶亮 | Kok Heng Leun (Artistic Director)

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