Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Suitcase and Door Mat

After decades of travelling, the Suitcase finally decides to take a rest.

"Hi, I've been travelling non-stop and am now very tired. May I come in and have a rest?" the Suitcase said to the Door Mat.

"Travelling for business?" the Door Mat asks.

"No, for a search."

"What are you searching for?" the Door Mat asks.

The Suitcase freezes at the doorway.

It tries hard to remember.

It had started it's journey so long ago that it has forgotten the initial reason for that journey.

"What am I searching for?" the Suitcase asks itself aloud, frowning.

"Don't fret over this. You're not the only one. Come on in and join the rest," the Door Mat welcomes with a warm embrace.

Photo by Beng Tian using S3IS
Nokia 5610

Opening my Suitcase

"A writer writes from his experience, and the more you experience the more you can write."
~ Yusuf Islam (formerly known as Cat Stevens) on his latest songs.

I've always felt secure and comfortable living in my own suitcase.

And now, I think it is time for me to get out and see the world.

Photo by Beng Tian
Nokia 5610